HappyBox – GiftBox during pregnancy

CHF 50.00CHF 100.00

The perfect gift for a pregnancy is not difficult at all

Are you loo­king for a gift for your pregnant daughter/girlfriend/ col­le­ague or wife? Or you want to treat yours­elf to a little so­me­thing. Then you’ve come to the right place. We are happy to put tog­e­ther an in­di­vi­dual Gift­Box in th­ree dif­fe­rent si­zes, ac­cor­din­gly to your bud­get. As al­ways, the pro­ducts are sel­ec­ted with a fo­cus on qua­lity and sustainability.

Organic pregnancy tea is a must-have

All bo­xes will be equip­ped with our great or­ga­nic pregnancy tea from teewerk.ch. Eit­her for the cor­re­spon­ding tri­mes­ter or if this is unknown one that can be en­joyed th­roug­hout the en­tire pregnancy.

Let us know your favorites

If you have any fa­vo­ri­tes re­gar­ding the con­tent, please add them in the comm­ents sec­tion at check-out and we will try to ac­com­mo­date them as best we can wi­thin the budget.

SKU: N/A Ca­te­gory:


Depending on the chosen size, different products like these are included:

Additional information


pe­tite (CHF 50.–), clas­sic (CHF 75.–), grand (CHF 100.–)

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