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Be­ing pregnant rai­ses count­less ques­ti­ons. Some wo­men start won­de­ring long be­fore they carry a baby, others rea­lize all at once how much there is to know once they look at their po­si­tive test. That’s exactly what Your­Hap­py­Box is de­si­gned for: to sup­port you with the right pro­ducts and tips & tricks th­rough your pregnancy.


The right pro­ducts at the right time. We ac­com­pany you th­rough the rol­ler­co­as­ter of a pregnancy.


You are loo­king to make so­meone du­ring or af­ter her pregnancy happy? We have exactly the right Gift­Box for you.

Product refill

You ran out of your fa­vou­rite pro­ducts? We’ve got you co­vered with our re­fill shop.

Only the best products make the cut

The pro­mise of Your­Hap­py­Box is to gift you time. In or­der to ful­fil this pro­mise, we have in­ves­ted a lot of time in the careful sel­ec­tion of high-qua­lity pro­ducts. Sus­taina­bi­lity, qua­lity and wo­men led busi­nesses were the most im­portant criteria.

Good to know

End­less re­se­arch and in the end you can still not be sure? That’s how we of­ten felt du­ring pregnancy. We re­se­arch and sum­ma­rize, true to our motto: More time for you.

This is our story

Oh boy, the hours I spent at night try­ing to fi­gure out what to fo­cus on right now and what pro­ducts to use. With the birth of my daugh­ter, the idea was born to make it ea­sier for other wo­men. And voilà, YourHappyBox.

Bekannt aus


Die Happy Box ist der per­fekte Be­glei­ter für die auf­re­gende Ku­gel­zeit! Box und In­halt sind so hoch­wer­tig und mit Liebe zu­sam­men­ge­stellt. Es ist das ideale Ge­schenk für die schwan­gere Freun­din, Kol­le­gin oder für sich selbst in die­ser be­son­de­ren Zeit. Große Empfehlung! 

Ve­rena, 36Es­sen (D)

Meine Mut­ter hat mir die Hap­py­Box #2 und Hap­py­Box #3 ge­schenkt und ich finde sie wirk­lich su­per für die Schwan­ger­schaft. Ist wirk­lich was tol­les, danke Euch! 

Han­nah, 29Zü­rich (CH)