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To make sure that Your­Hap­py­Box pro­mise, to give more time du­ring pregnancy, co­mes true, we can only sel­ect the best pro­ducts. The sel­ec­tion pro­cess is ba­sed on se­ve­ral cri­te­ria. Sus­taina­bi­lity, qua­lity and fe­male led busi­ness were the most im­portant fac­tors. It was not pos­si­ble to ful­fil al­ways all the cri­te­ria but in terms of qua­lity and sus­taina­bi­lity no com­pro­mi­ses were made.


For al­most 50 ye­ars, the fa­mily-ow­ned com­pany in Rap­pers­wil has faithfully ad­he­red to its gui­ding prin­ci­ple: «It’s not the di­se­ase, but the he­alth that we must care for». The com­pany, run by Tanja Zim­mer­mann-Bur­ger­stein, pro­du­ces vit­amins and mi­cro­nu­tri­ents, en­joy­ing an ex­cel­lent re­pu­ta­tion th­roug­hout Switzerland.


The fa­mily busi­ness from the All­gäu re­gion is known even in Switz­er­land for its ex­cel­lent pro­ducts. In 1988, phar­macist Diet­mar Wolz and mid­wife In­ge­borg Sta­del­mann foun­ded the Bahn­hof-Apo­theke with the aim of pro­du­cing high-qua­lity and sus­tainable na­tu­ral re­me­dies for all si­tua­tions in life. Espe­ci­ally du­ring pregnancy, it is im­portant to choose na­tu­ral pro­ducts that pro­mote the well-be­ing of the ex­pec­tant mommy and are safe for the un­born baby.


The fa­mily busi­ness from Us­ter near Zu­rich was foun­ded in 1982. From the be­gin­ning, the aim was to pro­duce cos­me­tics that are in harm­ony with na­ture. You will find sel­ec­ted es­sen­tial oils and baby pro­ducts from far­falla in YourHappyBox.


Since caf­feine con­sump­tion is re­com­men­ded to be li­mi­ted du­ring pregnancy, pregnant wo­men drink all the more tea. But not every va­riety should be drunk du­ring the nine months (and while breast­fee­ding). The tee­werk in Tä­ger­wi­len in Thur­gau is run by Katja Bän­zin­ger and places great im­portance to sus­taina­bi­lity and qua­lity. For Your­Hap­py­Box, she tail­o­red or­ga­nic teas to the needs of the re­spec­tive tri­mes­ter and af­ter birth.


Since its foun­da­tion 100 ye­ars ago, the world-re­now­ned com­pany has spe­cia­li­zed in na­tu­ral care pro­ducts to al­low «he­alth and be­auty un­fold in harm­ony with man and nature».


The Scan­di­na­vian com­pany has quite a few tricks up its sleeve when it co­mes to en­su­ring that pregnant wo­men can move com­for­ta­bly even as their bel­lies grow. Car­ri­well makes sup­port­ive and func­tional ma­te­r­nity un­der­wear and you will find many of their great pro­ducts in our HappyBoxes.


stu­dio huske was foun­ded in 2021 in Switz­er­land with the aim of de­ve­lo­ping ro­bust, wipe-clean and child-fri­endly fur­nis­hing pro­ducts that are vi­sually ap­pe­al­ing to both big and small. We have the chan­ging mat in our range, which can be used in many ways. With all of the pro­ducts Kate, a mo­ther of two and ar­chi­tect, has de­si­gned, she makes sure they are sus­tainable and of the hig­hest qua­lity. The fa­bric has a Ko­rean eco-la­bel and is 100% recyclable.


Al­most no pregnant wo­man gets th­rough pregnancy wi­t­hout sweets. We have found a cho­co­late ma­nu­fac­tu­rer that uses only first-class co­coa be­ans from small pro­du­cers and pro­du­ces its cho­co­late com­ple­tely wi­t­hout ad­di­ti­ves. Also it is foun­ded by some very im­pres­sive wo­men that take qua­lity and sus­taina­bi­lity seriously.


While loo­king for cos­me­tic pro­ducts du­ring pregnancy, we came across Sa­rah. She foun­ded Mom­my­Spa with the pro­mise to pro­duce only pu­rely sus­tainable na­tu­ral cos­me­tics for ex­pec­tant mo­thers. We would have loved to in­clude all of her pro­ducts in the bo­xes, but did­n’t have en­ough space. All the more we are happy to have in­cluded the Belly Ta­toos for Box 2 & the Belly Mask for Box 3.


So­nett, the pio­neer for eco­lo­gi­cal laun­dry de­ter­gents and clea­ning agents was foun­ded in 1977 and re­cently re­cei­ved the Ger­man Sus­taina­bi­lity award. With the be­gin­ning of pregnancy and la­test with the birth of the first child for a lot of peo­ple it be­come re­ally im­portant to only use clea­ning pro­ducts that are free from ag­gres­sive sub­s­tances. We use the bile soap from So­nett to at­tack the un­be­lie­v­a­bly re­sistant sta­ins such a little hu­man can produce.


Mar­kus and Lu­cius have joi­ned forces to re­invent the in­ti­mate shower. Mar­kus came into cont­act with the clea­ning con­cept of an in­ti­mate dou­che for in­ti­mate care at an early age th­rough his mo­ther-in-law, who co­mes from the Arab cul­ture. Ho­we­ver, he then be­came par­ti­cu­larly aware du­ring and af­ter his wife’s pregnancy of how ina­de­qua­tely pre­pared the mar­ket is for the hy­gie­nic needs of the post­par­tum pe­riod. With their fo­cus on sus­taina­bi­lity, aes­the­tics and qua­lity, we think they are a great fit for our Hap­py­Bo­xes and are thril­led to have them on board.


With Piou­piou we are proud to in­clude an all-pur­pose so­lu­tion for baby care in our coll­ec­tion. The na­tu­ral, ve­gan and or­ga­nic balm is a so­ot­hing com­bi­na­tion of na­tu­ral oils and cer­ti­fied or­ga­nic ac­tive in­gre­di­ents. We are happy to an­nounce that piou­piou cos­me­tics is run by an im­pres­sive wo­man. A mo­ther of two hers­elf with ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence in the cos­me­tics in­dus­try, Claire Dhote could­n’t find pro­ducts that met her qua­lity and sus­taina­bi­lity stan­dards, so she just did it herself.
