While building YourHappyBox we had the pleasure to meet so many interesting women, men, practices and companies. We don’t want to withhold them from you and therefore link them here diligently. Do you know someone who absolutely has to be on here? Please feel free to contact us and we will see if they fit YourHappyBox.
Our friends.
Bettina Bertschinger has courageously taken over the 9months pregnancy stores in Zurich, Lucerne and Bern in the middle of the pandemic. With a lot of charm and verve, she makes sure that women can dress well during pregnancy. We talked to her about the right clothes, how many and when in our article «must-haves for pregancy» . For everyday life, in the office or for a party. On their website you will find useful basics and a monthly changing outfit. Happy Shopping.
Link to Website.
Bevor YourHappyBox überhaupt live gegangen ist, haben wir Laura Lussi, die Gründerin von GAIA-Children kennengelernt. Man darf sich eine super positive, fröhlich und freundliche Person vorstellen, die es sich auf die Fahne geschrieben hat Familien durch die investitionsintensiven, ersten Kinderjahre zu begleiten. Ihr kluges Konzept basiert auf dem «Mieten-statt-kaufen-Prinzip» und fokussiert sich auf die viele unterschiedliche Produkte die man meist nur für eine sehr kurze Zeit benötigt, teuer sind oder erstmal getestet werden müssen.
Of course, parents only want the best for their children, with GAIA Children they can do the same for nature. Her concept allows a significant extension of the useful life of products.
To rent and get further information click here.
Franziska has built a small secondhand oasis with maternity and style clothes in Wiedikon, Zurich. Besides a large selection of well preserved maternity and nursing clothes, she also has some creative gifts. It is in general a very nice and lovely store that is a must have to visit for pregnant women.
In the practice in Thalwil, several women have joined forces around the topic of having children in order to give expectant parents and their offspring a good start into family life.
We are happy to get smart tips and tricks from them that we can share on our Good to know site with you.
Ramona Mathis hat mit Mamaklub eine neue Platform für prä- und postnatales Training und Yoga aufgebaut. Mit Mamaklub hat sie sich in den Kopf gesetzt, dass sie Frauen eine Plattform zur Verfügung stellen möchte, wo alle Auswirkungen der Schwangerschaft auf den Frauenkörper thematisiert werden. Im Gespräch konnten wir einige spannenden Details zu Mamaklub erfahren.
Wir freuen uns riesig mit unseren HappyBoxen Euch einen Gutschein für das Mamaklub Angebot beilegen zu können und hoffen ihr findet es auch so genial wie wir.
Here are the links to the Website.
Beauty & care

Pretty & Pure
Sarah Semrau opened the first Swiss Green Beauty Concept Store in summer 2013 and offers great beauty treatments based on natural cosmetics with her team.
Especially for expectant moms, Pretty & Pure offers the «Becoming Mama Treatment». We had the chance to talk to Sarah about “cosmetics during pregnancy”. You can find the tips & tricks here.
In our HappyBoxes we include a voucher for 30% off the «Becoming Mama Treatment» 🥳.
Vesna is a super power lady, the store is something special and getting a hair cut with her is really fun. Only all this is not really relevant for pregnant women. But that Vesna, in her own salon Anker uses only natural colors for coloring is very relevant. Because for pregnant women it is recommended not to dye their hair during pregnancy. Unlike in Anker, because of the natural colors you do not have to worry and can cheerfully continue coloring.
Here is her Website and her salon. An article on natural dyes and why that is not harmful during pregnancy will hopefully follow soon on our Good to know site.