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Our friends.

While buil­ding Your­Hap­py­Box we had the plea­sure to meet so many in­te­res­t­ing wo­men, men, prac­ti­ces and com­pa­nies. We don’t want to wi­th­hold them from you and the­r­e­fore link them here di­li­gently. Do you know so­meone who ab­so­lut­ely has to be on here? Please feel free to cont­act us and we will see if they fit YourHappyBox.


Bet­tina Bert­schin­ger has cou­ra­ge­ously ta­ken over the 9months pregnancy stores in Zu­rich, Lu­cerne and Bern in the middle of the pan­de­mic. With a lot of charm and verve, she makes sure that wo­men can dress well du­ring pregnancy. We tal­ked to her about the right clo­thes, how many and when in our ar­ticle «must-ha­ves for pre­gancy» . For ever­y­day life, in the of­fice or for a party. On their web­site you will find useful ba­sics and a monthly chan­ging out­fit. Happy Shopping.

Link to Web­site.

Lo­ca­ti­ons: Zü­rich, Bern, Lu­zern

Be­vor Your­Hap­py­Box über­haupt live ge­gan­gen ist, ha­ben wir Laura Lussi, die Grün­de­rin von GAIA-Child­ren ken­nen­ge­lernt. Man darf sich eine su­per po­si­tive, fröh­lich und freund­li­che Per­son vor­stel­len, die es sich auf die Fahne ge­schrie­ben hat Fa­mi­lien durch die in­ves­ti­ti­ons­in­ten­si­ven, ers­ten Kin­der­jahre zu be­glei­ten. Ihr klu­ges Kon­zept ba­siert auf dem «Mie­ten-statt-kau­fen-Prin­zip» und fo­kus­siert sich auf die viele un­ter­schied­li­che Pro­dukte die man meist nur für eine sehr kurze Zeit be­nö­tigt, teuer sind oder erst­mal ge­tes­tet wer­den müssen.

Of course, par­ents only want the best for their child­ren, with GAIA Child­ren they can do the same for na­ture. Her con­cept al­lows a si­gni­fi­cant ex­ten­sion of the useful life of products.

To rent and get fur­ther in­for­ma­tion click here.

Fran­ziska has built a small se­cond­hand oa­sis with ma­te­r­nity and style clo­thes in Wie­di­kon, Zu­rich. Bes­i­des a large sel­ec­tion of well pre­ser­ved ma­te­r­nity and nur­sing clo­thes, she also has some crea­tive gifts. It is in ge­ne­ral a very nice and lovely store that is a must have to vi­sit for pregnant women.

Here is her Web­site and her sa­lon.


In the prac­tice in Thal­wil, se­ve­ral wo­men have joi­ned forces around the to­pic of ha­ving child­ren in or­der to give ex­pec­tant par­ents and their off­spring a good start into fa­mily life.

We are happy to get smart tips and tricks from them that we can share on our Good to know site with you.

Here are the links to the Web­site and Prac­tice.

Mamaklub Logo

Ra­mona Ma­this hat mit Ma­ma­klub eine neue Plat­form für prä- und post­na­ta­les Trai­ning und Yoga auf­ge­baut. Mit Ma­ma­klub hat sie sich in den Kopf ge­setzt, dass sie Frauen eine Platt­form zur Ver­fü­gung stel­len möchte, wo alle Aus­wir­kun­gen der Schwan­ger­schaft auf den Frau­en­kör­per the­ma­ti­siert wer­den. Im Ge­spräch konn­ten wir ei­nige span­nen­den De­tails zu Ma­ma­klub erfahren.

Wir freuen uns rie­sig mit un­se­ren Hap­py­Bo­xen Euch ei­nen Gut­schein für das Ma­ma­klub An­ge­bot bei­le­gen zu kön­nen und hof­fen ihr fin­det es auch so ge­nial wie wir.

Here are the links to the Web­site.

Beauty & care

Pretty and pure logo

Pretty & Pure

Sa­rah Semrau ope­ned the first Swiss Green Be­auty Con­cept Store in sum­mer 2013 and of­fers great be­auty tre­at­ments ba­sed on na­tu­ral cos­me­tics with her team.

Espe­ci­ally for ex­pec­tant moms, Pretty & Pure of­fers the «Be­co­m­ing Mama Tre­at­ment». We had the chance to talk to Sa­rah about “cos­me­tics du­ring pregnancy”. You can find the tips & tricks here.

In our Hap­py­Bo­xes we in­clude a vou­cher for 30% off the «Be­co­m­ing Mama Treatment» 🥳.


Vesna is a su­per power lady, the store is so­me­thing spe­cial and get­ting a hair cut with her is re­ally fun. Only all this is not re­ally re­le­vant for pregnant wo­men. But that Vesna, in her own sa­lon An­ker uses only na­tu­ral co­lors for co­lo­ring is very re­le­vant. Be­cause for pregnant wo­men it is re­com­men­ded not to dye their hair du­ring pregnancy. Un­like in An­ker, be­cause of the na­tu­ral co­lors you do not have to worry and can cheerfully con­ti­nue coloring.

Here is her Web­site and her sa­lon. An ar­ticle on na­tu­ral dyes and why that is not harmful du­ring pregnancy will hop­efully fol­low soon on our Good to know site.
