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We are your part­ner to meet the an­nounce­ment “I’m pregnant” with con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons, re­co­gni­tion and sup­port. When the pregnancy is an­noun­ced, ask yours­elf “How to best sup­port my pregnant em­ployee?” in­s­tead of ten­sion and plan­ning frenzy.

How to support my pregnant employee

The pregnancy of an em­ployee does not come at the right time for any em­ployer. It me­ans that the sta­tus quo ch­an­ges and ad­jus­t­ments have to be plan­ned. For many fe­male em­ployees, this is an un­cer­tain time, cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a rol­ler­co­as­ter of emo­ti­ons and un­cer­tain­ties in com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Too many wo­men to­day drop out of the work­force be­cause they be­lieve they can­not re­con­cile fa­mily and career be­fore they even had a chance to test it out.

This makes it all the more im­portant to as­sist the em­ployee on her way and to set the course for a suc­cessful transition.
Dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves on the si­tua­tion are ne­ces­sary for the staff mem­ber to feel va­lued. Ima­gine how the dy­na­mic ch­an­ges when the first re­ac­tion to a pregnancy an­nounce­ment is a fri­endly ges­ture with in­for­ma­tive support.

YourHappyBox as your partner for transparent communication

With Your­Hap­py­Box you have the per­fect part­ner to en­sure that the em­ployee feels she is in good hands. Jointly we com­pile the pro­ducts for your in­di­vi­dual Com­pany­Box and de­fine the in­for­ma­tion that is im­portant for the em­ployee du­ring this time.

The Com­pany­Box is put tog­e­ther just the way you want it. We re­com­mend sen­ding a Pregnan­cy­Box (#1) and a Ba­by­Box (#2) for af­ter the birth. This al­lows you to first to en­sure your em­ployee is all set and then to con­gra­tu­late the whole fa­mily af­ter the birth. The plea­sant side ef­fect of the Ba­by­Box is that no one from the team has to hassle for a gift that is then of­ten not the right one anyway.

One-time effort for set-up and a structured process from there onwards

The pro­ce­dure is as fol­lows: As soon as you find out about your employee’s pregnancy and in­form us, we will send the Pregnan­cy­Box with es­sen­tial and sui­ta­ble pro­ducts to your em­ployee. Ad­di­to­nally, af­ter the no­ti­fi­ca­tion of the baby’s birth, the Ba­by­Box will be sent, which con­ta­ins the right pro­ducts for both the mo­ther and the baby.

Click for more infoRe­quest your CompanyBox

Carefully selected products

For the Com­pany­Box, we en­sure that the most im­portant pregnancy pro­ducts are de­li­vered di­rectly to the door­step. Your em­ployee will be re­li­e­ved of ti­re­some re­se­arch and has more time to herself.

Our sec­tion «Good to know» pro­vi­des an in­sight into the most im­portant to­pics around pregnancy and pa­ren­thood. As al­ways, our aim is to give the par­ents-to-be as much time as pos­si­ble for other things.

Strict selection criteria

All pro­ducts must meet our re­qui­re­ments for qua­lity and sus­taina­bi­lity. We want to give pregnant wo­men the assu­rance that only the best pro­ducts are used du­ring this spe­cial time.

How we sel­ect our sup­pli­ers you can see here.

Individual note

Each Hap­py­Box can be sent with an in­di­vi­dual mes­sage from the em­ployer. For all the «non-po­ets» it is good to know: «We are very happy for you» is enough.

We re­com­mend that com­pa­nies make use of Your­Hap­py­Box to show their em­ployees what op­por­tu­ni­ties they have du­ring and af­ter pa­ren­tal leave.
