
CHF 42.90

The por­tale butt shower — Hy­gie­nic, sus­tainable and pretty

We re­cently ad­ded the start-up from Ber­lin. The por­ta­ble in­ti­mate shower is sus­tainable, prac­ti­cal and beau­tiful. We al­re­ady find it useful du­ring the last weeks of pregnancy, but espe­ci­ally in the post­par­tum pe­riod. We will de­li­ver the shower to you with a nice wall mount, so you can ea­sily hang it in the bath­room. Thus, the in­ti­mate shower re­mains useful even af­ter the post­par­tum, espe­ci­ally du­ring mens­trua­tion or sim­ply for the daily “Po-hl­be­fin­den”.

Since we find it so beau­tiful and it can still be useful af­ter the post­par­tum, we de­ci­ded to sup­ply it with wall mount. That al­lows you to sim­ply hang it in your bath­room and use it for ex­am­ple du­ring mens­trua­tion or sim­ply for the daily wellbeing.

We ad­ded Bi­det­lity to our HappyBox#3 – Fi­nal sprint It can also be or­de­red tog­e­ther with the other Your­Hap­py­Bo­xes, since it it al­ways useful. Just add it se­pa­ra­tely to the shop­ping cart and we make sure you get an in­ti­mate shower and wall mount right to your doorstep.




The post­par­tum of his own wife was among the re­asons for the foun­ders of Bi­det­lity to in­vent a por­ta­ble in­ti­mate shower. They wan­ted a func­tional and por­ta­ble so­lu­tion that was both beau­tiful and sus­tainable. They de­fi­ni­tely suc­cee­ded. The Ber­lin-ba­sed start-up has crea­ted real ad­ded va­lue with its por­ta­ble shower. Up to now, at best, you get a pla­s­tic bot­tle from the cli­nic. This is most cer­tainly ban­ned from the bath­room af­ter the post­par­tum pe­riod. The Bi­det­lity, on the other hand, is pro­du­ced in a CO2-neu­tral way, looks beau­tiful and has its own place with the wall mount.

What made us par­ti­cu­larly happy was that five new trees are plan­ted for each Bi­det­lity. More in­for­ma­tion about Bi­det­lity is available here.

Here your find HappyBox#3 – Fi­nal sprint in which you find the Bi­det­lity as part of our HappyBoxes.

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