HappyBox#2 – Let it grow

2 cus­to­mer reviews

CHF 115.00

Pregnancy week 14 — 27

In a time that is of­ten con­side­red the “most re­la­xed phase” of pregnancy, we have com­pi­led our fa­vo­rite pro­ducts that sup­port growth and help to cope with the new si­tua­tions. Of­ten neck pain and re­la­ted hea­da­ches are start­ing to oc­cur. A warm cherry pit pil­low works won­ders. If the thought train is not stop­ping and pre­vents from fal­ling as­leep, we re­com­mend 2–3 drops of la­ven­der oil un­der your pil­low that al­lows fal­ling as­leep and be­ing more relaxed.

The baby bump is slowly show­ing and from the 2nd tri­mes­ter the good news are start­ing to be spread more and more. For all those who feel like sup­port­ing this mes­sage with beau­tiful little pic­tures, we have ad­ded Belly Tat­toos to our Hap­py­Box. They are not only re­ally gor­ge­ous, but also espe­ci­ally skin-fri­endly, ve­gan and sus­tain­ably made in Germany.

As in our other Hap­py­Bo­xes, we can­not miss an or­ga­nic tea that is spe­ci­ally crea­ted for us and the chal­lenges of pregnancy. We are ex­ci­ted about our spe­cial or­ga­nic blend to help with con­cen­tra­tion and ge­ne­ral well-being.

Of course, we can­not wi­t­hout a little life hack. De­pen­ding on the baby bump size, the pants just do not fit any­more, but the belly is not yet big en­ough for ma­te­r­nity clo­thes. Now there is the good old scrun­chie that can be used or you do it a little more ele­gant with the trou­ser ela­s­tic from Car­ri­well. Sim­ply in­ser­ted, in the co­lors white, blue and black it en­su­res that the zip­per is also di­rectly covered.

Since life is al­ways bet­ter with sweets, we ad­ded to our Hap­py­Box La Flor. It’s a cho­co­late from a small, fine cho­co­late ma­nu­fac­tory in Zu­rich. Here, only first-class co­coa be­ans from small pro­du­cers are used and they pro­duce com­ple­tely wi­t­hout additives.


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Ba­sed on 2 reviews
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  1. Han­nah Ad. 

    Die Happy Bo­xen sind su­per schön und mit Liebe ver­packt wor­den. Ich habe mich sehr über die 2. Tri­mes­ter Box ge­freut. Den Tee ge­niesse ich sehr. Er hilft mir, wenn sich mein Bauch hart oder voll an­fühlt. Das auf­wärm Kis­sen hat mir bei mei­nen Na­cken­schmer­zen sehr ge­hol­fen, da ich in der Schwan­ger­schaft sehr oft Na­cken- und Kopf­schmer­zen habe. Das La­ven­delöl ist auch toll zum Einschlafen!

  2. Giu­lia (ve­ri­fied ow­ner)

    Ich habe mir sehr auf meine erste Hap­py­Box ge­freut und wurde nicht entt­schäut, im Ge­gen­teil: Die Box ist so wun­der­voll und mit viel Liebe ge­packt wor­den. Die ent­hal­te­nen Pro­dukte sind su­per le­cker, prak­tisch und hoch­wer­tig! Das ich mir die 3. Box be­stelle war so­fort klar.

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