HappyBox#4 – Master of disaster

2 cus­to­mer reviews

CHF 145.00

Wel­come home, wel­come to the new chaos. (ok not ever­yone ex­pe­ri­ence it, but if you feel ever­yone else can do much bet­ter, not true).

Our Hap­py­Box #4 in­cludes great post-par­tum pro­ducts for both, new mom and the baby. Ide­ally the baby does not need much more ex­cept love. The­r­e­fore we only in­cluded farfalla’s gentle care pro­ducts for the little ones. Or­ga­nic al­mond oil and a so­ot­hing nappy balm is all you need to get started.

New mums can look for­ward to our care and pain re­li­e­fing pro­ducts in our Hap­py­Box #4. We ad­ded all the right in­grie­dents for ef­fec­tive life hacks du­ring the first time of breast fee­ding. La­ven­der wrap, mini ice packs that can be ea­sily hid­den in your bra and breast care balm will be true life sa­vers. Of course we ad­ded a or­ga­nic tea that sup­ports the well-be­ing of the breast­fee­ding mother.

The post­par­tum mas­sage oil also pro­mo­tes re­gres­sion and smells plea­santly of ma­ri­golds, grape­fruit and cypress.

Not wi­t­hout this life hack! We ad­ded in this Hap­py­Box the won­derful bile soap from So­nett for the first nappy accidents.

Our favorite accessories

An ad­di­tio­nal tip is the pretty and prac­ti­cal in­ti­mate shower from BIDETLITYThe por­ta­ble in­ti­mate shower is sus­tainable, prac­ti­cal and beau­tiful. We al­re­ady find it useful du­ring the last weeks of pregnancy, but espe­ci­ally in the post­par­tum pe­riod. We will de­li­ver the shower to you with a nice wall mount, so you can ea­sily hang it in the bath­room. Thus, the in­ti­mate shower re­mains useful even af­ter the post­par­tum, espe­ci­ally du­ring mens­trua­tion or sim­ply for the daily “Po-hl­be­fin­den”.

An­o­ther great ad­di­tio­nal ac­ces­sory is the in­des­truc­ti­ble pla­ce­mat from stu­dio huskewhich will ac­com­pany par­ents for a long time. The pla­ce­mat first pro­ves its­elf as a prac­ti­cal, to go chan­ging mat, then as a ta­ble pro­tec­tor for the first at­tempts at ea­ting, and for the long-term as a base for pain­ting and craf­ting fun.

Our la­test pro­duct is espe­ci­ally sui­ta­ble now for the win­ter, be­cause the baby balm from piou­piou is the per­fect com­ple­ment to the Birth­Box. The na­tu­ral, ve­gan and or­ga­nic balm is a so­ot­hing com­bi­na­tion of na­tu­ral oils and cer­ti­fied or­ga­nic ac­tive in­gre­di­ents. The skin is in­ten­sely nou­ris­hed, pro­tec­ted and so­ot­hed. We are su­per glad that piou­piou has laun­ched this cream be­fore win­ter, be­cause it is ad­di­tio­nally ideal for pro­tec­ting the car­ri­a­ges as the days get col­der and col­der. Of course, we re­com­mend the cream as a dia­per balm, for small, su­per­fi­cial in­ju­ries and rough, red­dened skin.


Selection of products we included

Have a look at some of the products 

Ba­sed on 2 reviews
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  1. Anne

    High qua­lity pro­ducts, lo­vin­gly sel­ec­ted with a good eye. I can ab­so­lut­ely re­com­mend. Small tip: give as soon as pos­si­ble af­ter birth, other­wise one or the other item might al­re­ady be part of the household.

  2. Claire

    The per­fect box for a gift. I gifted it to a fri­end and she was su­per happy. Ta­king care of the mummy as much as the baby. It’s re­ally apre­cia­ted. And all pro­ducts are great qua­lity. Per­fect es­sen­ti­als, all tog­e­ther in a box. No need to search for many dif­fe­rent op­ti­ons. I highly re­com­mend it !

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