Organic tea for birth preparation

CHF 11.90

The fine or­ga­nic tea con­ta­ins le­mon balm, lady’s man­tle and raspberry lea­ves and should not be con­su­med be­fore the 36th week of pregnancy as these are con­side­red na­tu­ral la­bor sti­mu­lants. 1–2 cups are re­com­men­ded daily and no more than 3–4 cups. 1 tsp per cup is suf­fi­ci­ent and the or­ga­nic pregnancy tea should steep for 6–8 minutes.



Start­ing from week 36, this tea sup­ports the pre­pa­ra­tion for child­birth. It con­ta­ins raspberry lea­ves, le­mon balm and lady’s man­tle. Espe­ci­ally the raspberry lea­ves many mid­wi­ves men­tion na­tu­ral la­bor stimulant.

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