Burgerstein – Omega‑3 DHA

CHF 39.90

An ade­quate sup­ply of omega‑3 DHA con­tri­bu­tes to the main­ten­ance of nor­mal brain func­tion and vi­sion in adults. The mo­ther ther­eby pro­mo­tes the de­ve­lo­p­ment of vi­sion in the fe­tus and breast­fed in­fant. It con­ta­ins highly con­cen­tra­ted omega‑3 fatty acids which are ob­tai­ned from pure fish oil, are well to­le­ra­ted and can be ta­ken long-term.



Ver­zehrs­emp­feh­lung: 2 Ta­blet­ten mit et­was Flüs­sig­keit wäh­rend ei­ner Mahl­zeit einnehmen.

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