Perineal massage oil 5ml

CHF 5.90

Bahn­hof-Apo­theke Kemp­ten has mi­xed an in-house crea­tion of pe­ri­neal mas­sage oil, which has been pro­ven in mid­wi­fery. Use from the 34th week in pre­pa­ra­tion for child­birth, as it is said to re­duce pe­ri­neal te­ars and can ac­ce­le­rate he­al­ing af­ter birth. Un­less other­wise agreed with the doc­tor and mid­wife, use 1–2 daily from the 34th week.



The oil con­ta­ins St. John’s wort and olive, wheat germ, evening prim­rose, hemp oil, rose, clary sage.

Please find a useful in­s­truc­tion here here. 

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  1. Le­a­n­ora Baugatz 

    A great mix of know­ledge, in­spi­ra­tion, and prac­ti­cal tips in your blog posts.

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