YourHappyBox — Your pregnancy subscription box

CHF 350.00

We support you throughout your pregnancy

You’re hol­ding a po­si­tive pregnancy test in your hands and you’re not sure whe­ther to com­ple­tely freak out with joy or cry in­s­tead. Oh, we know it so well. A flood of ques­ti­ons is co­ming your way. We can’t ans­wer them all, but we’re here to make this time a little easier.

With our pregnancy sub­scrip­tion, we make sure that you have the right pro­ducts at home at the right time. No end­less re­se­ar­ching which pregnancy oil, for ex­am­ple, is the right one. We have al­re­ady done that. In the sel­ec­tion of our pro­ducts, we pay scru­pu­lous at­ten­tion to only work with part­ners who have the same un­der­stan­ding of qua­lity and sus­taina­bi­lity as we do. Fur­ther­more, we want to sup­port wo­men when­ever pos­si­ble. That’s why we al­ways pre­fer the com­pany run by a wo­man, as long as they meet the stan­dards of qua­lity and sus­taina­bi­lity, be­cause that’s a priority.

The right products and our favorites as often as possible

In the ma­jo­rity of ca­ses, you will find the same pro­ducts in the sub­scrip­tion as if you were to buy the bo­xes in­di­vi­du­ally. The re­ason for this is that these are re­ally the best aids in the new ever­y­day life. But of course we re­move all the pro­ducts that you would other­wise have twice in the house and add a few more. Like, for ex­am­ple, the Schoggi of la­flor, be­cause you can never have en­ough of it.

Recommended add-on products

Ac­tually, we would love to take the vit­amins from Bur­ger­stein as stan­dard in the Star­ter­Box, ho­we­ver, we have of­ten re­cei­ved feed­back that many pregnant wo­men get their vit­amins from the doc­tor with a pre­scrip­tion. Since we don’t want you to have use­l­ess things stan­ding around at home, you can add them se­pa­ra­tely to your shop­ping cart:

Since the re­com­men­ded do­sage of vit­amins is one or two cap­su­les per day, you will want to re­or­der from time to time. For this we ad­ded our Re­fill Shop to the web­site. By or­de­ring the pregnancy sub­scrip­tion box we will send you a code, so the ship­ping costs for re­fills are ALWAYS free.

For the post­par­tum pe­riod we then ab­so­lut­ely re­com­mend our in­ti­mate shower from BIDETLITY. This co­mes with beau­tiful wall mount and will faithfully ac­com­pany you even af­ter pregnancy.

We may now ac­com­pany you with our pregnancy sub­scrip­tion? Then please tell us the ex­pec­ted month of birth and your cur­rent dress size. We will take care of ever­y­thing else for you.

If you are not sa­tis­fied, you can of course can­cel your sub­scrip­tion at any time and we will re­fund you and not send you the next bo­xes. You can find our re­turn po­licy here.



SKU: N/A Ca­te­gory:


Have the right products at home at the right time for each trimester.

Additional information

Ex­pec­ted birth month

Ja­nuar, Fe­bruar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, Au­gust, Sep­tem­ber, Ok­to­ber, No­vem­ber, Dezember



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